Beauty, Genius & Absolute Ridiculousness

I know that I said…

I know that I said that I would post once a day for a month – going on the posts, but I feel like that is trying to push myself too much right now.

I’ll try for a few times a week, but I am about to fly back down to school – it’s my final semester – I graduate in May with my BA. So I may reevaluate how often I post, but I do know that I want to post more this year. That’s one of my resolutions after all. ^_^

I hope that you all are having a great start to your week!! Happy Monday! ^_^

Today’s Prompt: Vanilla, chocolate, or something else entirely?

I’m also aware that I’m using the prompts from last year, but they work, and hey, the goal is to post every day, yeah? So yep! Ok, onto the prompt! 😀

There are days when I love vanilla, but in all honesty, I LOOOOOVE Mint Chocolate Chip! Or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, given that we are talking about ice cream flavors. But it really does depend on my mood. I’ve also fallen in love with Cherry Garcia, and Vanilla FroYo, with Raspberry Sorbet. I just love flavor, and it all depends on my moods.

Do any of y’all have a favorite flavor of ice cream that is your go-to flavor every time, or do you fluctuate between flavors like me? 🙂

DSCF2871Also, not on the topic of ice cream flavors, I went on a walk today, and we came across this beautiful waterfall – too gorgeous not to share! So I thought I’d attach it here, at the end, as it was just too beautiful not to share! ^_^ The photographer in me wanted to share it with y’all. Enjoy! ^-^

Greatest Fear

Today’s prompt is: You’re locked in a room with your greatest fear. Describe what’s in the room.

This is a hard one for me, because I’m not totally 100% sure if I can figure out one thing – I would say that being alone, a fear of not having anyone there for me. Which in a way is an irrational fear, but I’m not totally sure about that. It is just hard for me to put into words. I’m not a fan of snakes, but there really isn’t a good excuse for that one either. It just seems like I do have fears, but how many of them are actual rational fears?

We all have some of each, it depends on who you are and all of that as well. But I could also say a room without Windows and nothing creative so I can find ways to entertain myself is also a fear.

This one really definitely made me think – I’m not really sure.

I know that I do have fears but I don’t normally think of them in this way.
This really doesn’t directly answer the question – but that could be because I don’t really have a straight answer myself.

What are some of your fears?

I know that I said that I would do that other challenge, but I want to do this one instead… I’m changing things up because I can, as it’s my blog and I make the rules. I’ll do one a day, unless I jump over one, we’ll see how this goes.

I recently found a prompt a day for a year and I have it on my Nook – so I am going to use that, so y’all won’t get to see what the prompts are before I post the blog, but I like the prompts that this book has so that’s why I’m going with them.

So the prompt for the 8th day – I know I’ve missed on the first 7, but that’s ok! So Day 8 – is Tell us about a teacher who had a real impact on your life, either for better or the worse. How is your life different today because of him or her?

So the teacher that I instantly think of is my western riding instructor, Gene Dixon – the man who I rode with, and learned so much from from the age of 11 to the age of 19. He was a wonderful man who is deeply missed.

Me and Gene 2008He passed away a few years ago, and I wish that I had gotten a chance to say goodbye. He was a man who I looked up to, having spent many years at his Arena, learning from him. So much to learn. Not enough time. The picture above, I really don’t think I have any other pictures of me with him. The reason poor Cookie’s head (the horse) is blurry, is she wouldn’t stop moving it, poor girl didn’t like the wind that was happening the day of my last ever lesson at the arena that Gene owned.

But I have no other pictures with him. The list of things that I learned from him is too long to even start to list, but my life is most definitely better having gotten to get to know him. Wonderful man with so many things to teach – I became a better horse woman because of him. He taught me so much.

Gene, you won’t be forgotten.

Thank you so much for all that you have done to teach me how to work with horses in a way that really worked, and knew what I needed to be told, to become a better person. Those years with you were wonderful years. I wish that I had gotten a chance to say bye to you, but I have to say, you knew what you loved to do, and you did a great job at it!

Thank you for all of the good memories. ❤

Alright, so as this post states, I’ve decided to start a blogging challenge maybe that’ll get me blogging more. It worked with the photo challenge, maybe I can get this to work with me!

I’ll start officially tomorrow – but I’ll start today with posting some facts about myself. :]

20 Random Facts About Myself

  1. I’m fluent in American Sign Language.
  2. I’ve fallen in love with traveling, even though I don’t have the money to travel nearly as much as I wish I could.
  3. I ABSOLUTELY love photography! Like love it – but it will only ever be a hobby to me.
  4. I’m a natural strawberry blonde, yet I’ve had a few people since I’ve made the move down to LA, ask me where I get my hair done.
  5. I’ve met John Barrowman, and totally forgot how to talk – despite getting to meet him twice in one day.
  6. When I get over stimulated, I tend to go into sign mode, and if I voice, people should consider themselves lucky.
  7. I’m an HSP, and there are times that I struggle with it, but at the same time, it is just who I am, and I can’t do anything to change it, so I might as well embrace it. And if people have an issue with this – well too bad, because I’m not changing for anyone but myself! I’m a Highly Sensitive Person, and proud of it! ❤
  8. I’m only one semester away from getting my BA in Deaf Studies.
  9. Even though I’m so close to being done, and have been in college for YEARS now… I still don’t know what I want to do with my life.
  10. I have trust issues – and when someone breaks my trust, it is REALLY hard to get me to trust again.
  11. I wish that I could learn spoken languages as easily as I’ve picked up ASL.
  12. I find myself signing along to songs now that I’m fluent – and yes, I mean signing – not singing, I sign along to songs. 😛
  13. My list of books to read keeps growing, yet I never am able to find enough time to actually read everything that’s on my list, one day, I’ll find the time! ❤
  14. I’ve always had bad self esteem issues, and sometimes I find myself having to force myself not to hide from my problems.
  15. My dream camera is either going to be a Nikon or a Canon – I don’t have a specific one I want, I just want one of those two… Preferably a Nikon, but I’ll definitely take a Canon… I’ll get one eventually!
  16. I wish that I could draw better – I can doodle, but I can’t really draw. I’ll stick to photography.
  17. I feel like I can express myself better online than I can in person.
  18. I’m an equestrian at heart, who’s been away from horses and riding for way too long – I so need to get back into working around horses again! I miss it so much!
  19. I am usually a pretty frugal person – I recently decided to splurge to get myself a new Nook (a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 4), which I absolutely love! It’ll take some getting used to as it’s way more advanced than the one I used to have, but I love it! ^_^
  20. I have a really hard time making lists like these, this was way harder than I thought it would be!

Ok, so there you go – 20 random facts, sorry if they weren’t all that interesting, but I did my best, given that it’s after midnight. I will do my best to remember to do this every day for thirty days! ^_^ I can do this! 😀 Hope 2015 is going good for y’all! ❤

Santa Cruz flat ocean with seagulls

So this year has been interesting, and has gone by WAY too fast, if you ask me – last time I think about it, it feels like it was January of 2014 and now this it’s just hours away from being 2015. When did years start going so fast!

I really do feel like I should try to blog more – but life loves to get in the way – we’ll see how much I blog in the new year. I’m not really good at keeping up with resolutions, I tend to say them, and then never keep them, but I will say that I want to do a few things.

I want to:

– Try not to stress out as much

– Pass all my classes and GRADUATE in May!! (omg, it’s almost here!! Only four more classes to go till I have my BA in Deaf Cultural Studies)

– Take more pictures, documenting everything

– Learn to let the little things to and not hold onto things, and give up trying to change people into who they really aren’t. Let the little things slide off my back

– Take time to take more breaks, and not stress about the need to take breaks at times

– Make more crafy cute things out of Felt

– Take time to learn and understand that I am me, and if people don’t like how I do things, in a way that works for me and how I’ve done them for years… TOO bad. They can’t change me. I only change for myself.

– Try to Blog a bit more than I have been!

This year itself has had it’s ups and downs, but over all, I suppose it has  been worth it. I mean one of the highlights was I got to meet John Barrowman, which was something I thought I’d never get a chance to do… at all… like ever! So that was pretty epically amazing.

I do hope that you all have a safe New Years, and happy start of a new year to you all!

Here we go, into 2015! May it be a great one for you all!!


So first off, I Totally meant to blog more this semester – but it totally decided to swamp me with work. I guess I learned my lesson the hard way – that taking five upper division classes in one semester isn’t always the best plan for trying to keep one’s sanity.

But that being said – my last class was today – the 16th of December, and I’m headed off back up to home on Thursday afternoon. I’ve got one day of low key to pack and clean and get things set here to leave for a month. It’ll be marvelous to finally get to sleep in my own bed. And cuddle with my cat, I can’t wait to cuddle with him!

I now know that four classes is my max number of classes that I feel comfortable taking, and even then – that is still a stressful amount of classes to have to take, but I know I can do it. Five is just too many. I mean I somehow survived – I still am waiting on my grades from all five of them, but I hopefully passed them all. Keeping fingers crossed here.

It has been a crazy stressful semester – more trying in a lot of ways than most of the other ones I’ve had so far, which is saying a lot. There were lots of times when I felt that I just couldn’t do it… But I’m one semester away from my BA in Deaf Cultural Studies … I can do this, even if I feel like it’ll drive me crazy. Well I’m already crazy – I don’t know if I can get much crazier than I already am. But we’ll have to wait and see about that.

I need to try to have my Capstone project idea settled before I head back down here in January – I want to focus on something that I know I can find enough information on to do the project.. we’ll see.

Anyways, yet another semester under my belt, and I’m adding, once again, to the already INSANE number of units I already have.

I will do my best to post more, but who know how that’ll go. New Years Resolution (Even though I know it’s only December): Try to blog more. Hopefully I can keep it this time! If I can post a picture a day for over 100 days now on my instagram, I can blog more! Although, honestly, a picture a day is easier than a blog post – but one can try, right?

Happy Holidays to everyone!


So today… this happened.

Barrowmand and I (Color)I met John Barrowman. And oh my dear goodness. It was amazing. It was just absolutely amazing. This is something that I’ve hoped for… for quite awhile now, but I honestly never thought that it would ever be a thing. That it would never happen. It was just a dream… until today.

How did this happen you might ask? Well a few friends from school down here told me he was going to be a Comikaze – where I ended up meeting him – and if I could get my own ticket, I could go with them.

So long story short, my parents paid for it as my birthday present (Bought the VIP package – minimal waits in lines – and autograph and photo), and we went today,  and omg it was just amazing and magical.

It really truly was a dream come true. I would have more to say. I really do have more to say. But I’m so tired that I can’t seem to focus on anything long enough to actually write anymore. But yeah. This totally did happen and I know now that John Barrowman’s hugs are magical and absolutely wonderful.

Barrowman AutographAlso, he has really messy hand writing. But that doesn’t matter… it still makes me smile! 🙂


Now to go and buy two 8″x10″ frames for the two photos! Today was an epically amazing day and I will never forget it!

Yes, it’s almost November which means NaNoWriMo! I wasn’t originally going to at least just attempt it, but then I realized that if I didn’t. I would regret it. So I’m going to at least give it a go. We’ll see how this goes.

I also get to meet John Barrowman on the 2nd of November (which also happens to be my little brother’s 21st birthday)!! I’m super stoked to get to go and meet him!! 😀 That’ll be a blast, I’m getting a picture with him (also an autograph as well) and I’ve told my friends I’m going with that they need to remind me to voice, because I’m afraid that I’ll just completely forget how to speak and only sign. Hopefully I remember to talk. Haha!

That’s what my plans are for this coming month – also surviving (somehow) the last few weeks – coming down to about seven or so weeks left of the semester. Which is just insane!! Where has this year gone?!

Sorry I’ve not been blogging more – I keep meaning to and then school and life gets in the way, but I’m still here, occasionally blogging. I am doing a 100 Happy Days photo challenge over on Instagram -I’m over half way through. 🙂 For some reason I am better at remembering daily photos than writing blogs. Oops, my bad. 😛

I do hope that you all are doing well and have a fun and safe Halloween!


So I’m now done with my first week of my second to last semester of my undergrad… and I’m asking myself, am I insane for trying to take 15 units (5 classes) this semester?

My answer is yes, I probably am, but can I do it? And the answer to that one is… YES… it may be a challenge and I may be buried under lots of reading and papers, as well as studying, but it is totally possible. We’ll see how this all goes, but I can do this and then just 4 more classes after this semester to go, and I’ll be graduating in May.

So it is crazy, in a way, to be back down here in Northridge again because I got so used to being back home, for close to 3 months, this summer. It really is fast how fast summer went. It really did just fly by! Not totally sure how, but it is almost September… Woah! Insane! O.o This year has just flown by. Not just summer. Time needs to learn to stop going so fast!

So I am currently procrastinating on doing reading for my classes – all my roommate are off doing things and I am once again stuck at school… *sighs* I guess I am just tired of having roommates who shove it in my face (without meaning to, I know) that they all have family or friends they can go out with, and I am the one here who’s stuck at school — they all kept telling me “you’re going to be here all alone.” Bleh, yeah, that so doesn’t help the homesickness that has already set in. :/ No fun! 😦 I miss my family and just the quiet of Coloma and all of that. 😦 And I’m stuck down here till December as there is no point to going home for just two or so days for Thanksgiving. D: I do love the community here, but it’s not the same as being at home.

But I can do this, I just have to learn to live with the homesickness like I did last year. (I was homesick for pretty much the entire time I was down here last year, it only got better when I went home for breaks. And I have to say that walking away from my family at the airport to fly back down to school…. omg, I hate it! D: So hard!)

Anyways, One week down, and I probably should stop ignoring my reading and just get it done, so I won’t have to worry about it.

I keep telling myself that I’ll blog more, we’ll see how this goes, but so far, I am all settled in here, and once again, the only one stuck here at school… while everyone else goes out… Oh well, it’s just how it goes. And it’s too hot for me to go out and do much of anything because it’s around 100 degrees Fahrenheit today… Too hot to venture out in! O.o No thank you! LOL!

Hope that y’all are having a good end of your summer (or end of your fall, depending on where you live).

See y’all around! :]
